
Apps and files are a just click away
Looking at the motley crowd of shortcuts on your computer desktop but not able to find the one you need? Do you often find yourself looking for an app to run rather than doing your work? True Launch Bar can make your day go easier as it can solve these and many other problems related to quick access to your PC content!
It’s the same Windows desktop you know and love. But with True Launch Bar, your workspace becomes more convenient and fun to use. Create a custom menu on the taskbar to list similar apps. Drag and drop necessary shortcuts there. Select menu icons to find applications quickly. If icons are not enough, True Launch Bar can show tooltips for you to find what you are looking for almost on autopilot. With separators and submenus, you can group items by topic and create any kind of a custom menu you want. Are you a fully-fledged touch typist? Awesome! True Launch Bar lets you specify hot keys for menus and shortcuts to open them with a touch of a button.
With True Launch Bar, any application is just a click away!

Keep important things at hand
With True Launch Bar, reaching for computer folders just became the easiest part of customizing your computer desktop to your needs. Create a custom menu from a folder using the program and everything you want will come to life with a mouse click. My Documents, Control Panel, Games and everything in between: you’ll be able to create menus for all folders! For example, you can create a menu with printers and manage them from the context menu. True Launch Bar can show thumbnails of your photos in a menu or display the list of recent documents. Filters can help you focus only on the files you need in a menu.
With custom menus available from the taskbar, you get what you want instantly, without having to browse through folders over and over again. Isn’t it nice?
Add a personal touch with taskbar applets
Part of the fun in customizing your desktop with True Launch Bar is adding a personal touch with plug-ins. Rather than using default shortcuts, you can now add buttons that work like small applets! Imagine being able to check incoming mail , see weather forecast, track the latest news, manage contacts in a small address book, change music volume, control system parameters, and more – all using the button applets on the taskbar. With our library of pul-ins for True Launch Bar, you can choose from dozens of taskbar applets that let you do all that and more!
Apart from functionality, our applets can brighten your desktop and add a personal charm to your workspace.
Rejuvenate your desktop with skins
You can use default skins but if you like beautiful things, why not have some fun? Whether you want stylish, artistic, cute or fun, True Launch Bar has a skin for you . If you’re the creative type and want to have more freedom in personalizing your desktop, why not create a skin of your own? The format of a skin in True Launch Bar is fairly simple, so designing your own skin is not a problem at all! Minimalists can simply change colors for elements. Those who have Windows Vista or Windows 7 can make use of all the advantages of the Aero interface – translucent, glass menus look totally outstanding! But even without skins, True Launch Bar looks clean and nice, exactly as other system panels or menus. The program fully supports default Windows visual styles.
Taskbar and more!
You can enjoy all the advantages of True Launch Bar not only on the taskbar, but also as a side panel. The side panel can be snapped to any edge of the screen on any monitor. We have created a special standalone version of True Launch Bar that can work independently from Windows Explorer. You can use True Launch Bar as a side bar. In Standalone True Launch Bar, you’ll discover an extended auto-hide feature control. Moreover, for Windows 7 the standalone version is the only way to create an external bar beyond the taskbar.
True Launch Bar uses the same technology as standard Quick Launch. This means that True Launch Bar does not have executable file. To open True Launch Bar right-click on the empty space of the taskbar, point to the Toolbars and select True Launch Bar menu item.

True Launch Bar also shows the title "True Launch Bar" of toolbar. This is standard feature of the desktop toolbars. If you do not like it, right click the title and select the "Show Title" menu item.
Initially True Launch Bar contains all button like Quick Launch. To add new buttons you can simply drag them to True Launch bar. To create menu right-click on True Launch bar point New and select Menu. In the right-click menu you can find other options for True Launch bar and access to the Settings dialog.
Compatibility with standard Quick Launch
True Launch Bar is fully compatible with the standard WindowsTM Quick Launch toolbar. It uses the same folder for shortcuts. If some program installs an icon into Quick Launch, then the program also installs the icon for True Launch Bar as well. True Launch Bar can be docked into the taskbar like just like Quick Launch.Grouping links into popup menus
The huge advantage of True Launch Bar is popup menus. You can create menus on in the True Launch bar panel and place your shortcuts there. This will save space on your taskbar and give you another dimension in using the taskbar. True Launch Bar is Quick Launch on steroids!!!Full support of Windows XP Visual Styles
True Launch Bar completely supports Windows XP Visual Styles. You turn on the Flat Menus option and TLB will begin to look like All Programs menu from the Start Button.Windows 7 compatible
Since version 4.4 True Launch Bar is Windows 7 compatible. True Launch Bar supports all Windows 7 features including the Aero interface.The Aero Glass Effects for Windows Vista/7
True Launch Bar allow you make the menus semitransparent by using the new Aero Glass effect.
This feature works on Windows Vista/7 with Aero turned on. To enable the glass effect, open the TLB Settings->Menu->Effects. You can define the glow text color also. This allow you to see text on every background.
Improved separators
Separators help you to combine your shortcuts into groups inside menus or on the toolbar. The separator is simply a horizontal or vertical line. More-over you can add Titles (a separator with text). This will help you group and quickly find shortcuts inside menus.
True Launch Bar supprts some extra features for separators. Right-click on separator and select Enable Expand/Collapse menu item. You will see the small button with "-" picture at the left of the separator. If you click on this button all buttons below will hide and the button changes to a "+". Click on "+" button to show all buttons again.
Also you can turn on Enable Run All option in separators context menu and run all buttons with one click.
Note all operations on separators performed up to next separator or end of menu from below.
Virtual Folders
You can also create virtual folders on the True Launch Bar. When you create a virtual folder, you select the folder's content you want to see in the toolbar menu. It can be any folder on your disk or on a local network (Favorites, Programs, Recent, etc.); or you can add file system folders such as Printers, Control Panel, My Computer, Dialup Network or other similar folders. If you right-click on an item in the virtual folder, you can see a full context menu like in the Explorer window, and you can perform any action from this menu (Properties, Open, Delete...). In fact you can use True Launch Bar as small file manager. In addition you can add separators with titles into Virtual folders. This can greatly improve the grouping of items inside Virtual Folders.Drag & Drop
True Launch Bar fully supports Windows Drag&Drop technology. You can simply drag your shortcuts onto the toolbar or menu. You can use the left and right mouse button to drag shortcuts to the True Launch Bar. Using the right button dragging you will see a context menu with common actions.Hot keys
True Launch Bar lets you specify hot keys for menus and shortcuts to open them with a touch of a button.Run your shortcuts without click
Now True Launch Bar offer the "Run on mouse hover" feature. This means that you can run your shortcuts without click the mouse. Just point to your button and wait for some a short time (you can adjust the hover time) Press CTRL key to suspend (while holding) this feature.Skins
True Launch Bar is skinable. This means that you can change the appearance of buttons, menu items... Visit our Skins Library to download new skins.Fast toolbar switching
You can define some of shortcuts sets (toolbars) and quickly switch between them using TLB’s context menu. Define one toolbar for working and another for gaming!Related Links
You can add related links to every button in True Launch Bar. This can help you to associate more useful links (to web sites or files) with the particular application. Create your own links libraries!Protection
How many times has your child removed your shortcuts from the Launch Bar? Or your users lose some of their buttons? Now you can right-click on any button and select Protect. Select a password and nobody can run, delete or change your button. You can protect the setup with a password too.Plugins
The main feature of True Launch Bar is it's active content. Now you can use buttons not only for launching your applications but have button work like small applet. In most cases you will have a button to run your email client (like Outlook Express). If you add Mail Monitor onto the True Launch Bar this button can actually tell you when you have new mail and can run your email client. Visit our Plugins Library o find more plugins such as System Monitor, Media Control, Volume Control etc.Recently accessed button
You can add a special button named Recently accessed. This menu contain all the shortcuts you have run from the True Launch Bar. In the Advanced tab of TLB Settings dialog box you can set the max number of buttons to store and display inside Recently accessed.Thumbnails View
Thumbnail view is a miniature version of an image that is often used for quick browsing through multiple images. Now True Launch bar supports Thumbnails view. Set this view mode for your My Pictures folder.
Auto-sensing toolbar
The new unique feature of True Launch Bar is Auto-Sensing toolbar. Now True Launch Bar can change content of toolbar Depending on the application in which you work. To setup auto-sensing open TLB settings dialog box and click on Auto-sensing tab.
First you need to create workspace (press New... button on the right of combo box). Then select the folder where shortcuts and workspace data will be stored. Now add the Working programs for workspace. True Launch Bar can change content in two cases: when one of application has active window and when application is running (no matter active or not).
Take attention on Common programs list. Here you can add the application that you plan use in any workspace. If you activate one of that application True Launch Bar does not change toolbar content.
If True Launch Bar does not find any application of one of the workspaces, the content of toolbar will be shown from main toolbar folder.
Why to use auto-sensing
Auto-sensing can considerably improve accessibility of needed shortcuts/documents and save some space on task bar or other toolbars. If you are typing some documents in the MS Word or other text editor, you probably need only some shortcuts/menu on your toolbar. So you can create one workspace for documents editing and place there shortcuts to Word, Excel, Access, organized virtual folder for My (Your) Documents and some other shortcuts for quick access. When you close office application you get access to all range of buttons in main toolbar to begin other work. Also you create workspace for Internet surfing, and if you working in Internet Explorer then toolbar show only your favorites, FTP client, and something other internet-related.
- You always can open two toolbars. One toolbar can used for static content, the second toolbar for auto-sensing.
- Running Windows Explorer does not effect the switching. So you can use this feature to add buttons to workspace toolbar.
- Set Toolbar's min size option of General tab into maximum possible buttons count. This will allow to auto-fit toolbar to the best size. Even you lock task bar (Windows XP only) auto-fit will work fine.
- Use main toolbar as Start Here toolbar.
Overlay Images on menu
This feature allow you to set the images for the menus. Why you need this feature? First this is beautifully. Also this feature allow you quickly find out what menu you open. To set/remove overlay images right-click in the menu and select Customize Menu, then click the Overlay tab.
Hot keys manager
Hot keys Manager is a powerful tool for searching and editing of all hot keys that used in True Launch Bar.
Backup/Restore toolbar
Though it is possible to backup toolbar by copping toolbar folder now you can easy backup/restore toolbar to/from single file. The "General Options" tab of TLB Settings have two buttons for backup and restore toolbar.Improved Tooltips with HTML support
True Launch Bar have the tooltips with the almost complete HTML support. Tooltips can show images (not an icons only) and if the text of the tooltip is very long, just scroll it with the mouse wheel. You can test the power of the new tooltips with the News Reader plugin. Also the positions of the tooltips are calculated to prevent overlaping the useful information.
Improved tips
True Launch Bar supports improved tips. TLB shows icon in tips and supports simple formatting of text. Moreover now you can change description for any button on TLB. To create tips with formatting you must right-click button Select Appearance submenu and click Change Description menu item. You can use some of HTML tags to format your text. Here is a list of these tags with short description:
Tags | Description |
<b>text</b> | "text" will be drawn as bold |
<i>text</i> | "text" will be drawn as italic |
<u>text</u> | "text" will be drawn as underline |
<s>text</s> | "text" will be drawn as strikeout |
<ct=0000FF> | Text's color after this tag will be BLUE. You can change RGB value to set other color |
<cb=00FFFF> | Background color after this tag will be Cyan. You can change RGB value to set other color |
<al> or <al_l> | Text will be aligned to the left |
<al_c> | Text will be centered |
<al_r> | Text will be aligned to the right |
<hr=100%> | Draws horizontal line with length of whole text area in the tool tip |
<hr=50> | Horizontal line with length of 50 point. |
<t> | tab |
<br> | new line |
Support PNG images as icon
True Launch Bar supports icons in PNG format. PNG images can have alpha channel to support transparency. True Launch Bar automatically resize images.Using 3 state PNG image as button
True Launch Bar supports 3 state PNG images. So you can create any image for button. This can be logo of you company, your photo or Start button:
PNG image must contain 3 state of button: normal, pressed and highlight.
Redistributing toolbars
It is very easy to redistribute your toolbars. First TLB can backup toolbar into one file and restore it on other computer. The buttons for backup/restore you'll find on the General Options tab of TLB Settings dialog box. Also now all icons and images can be stored with toolbar. So after restoring toolbar you do not need restore icons separately. And now you can install all skins for plugins and True Launch Bar from Skins tab of TLB Settings dialog box.Context menu templates
Now you can customize context menu by create your own templates for context menu. Context menus can be different for buttons, virtual folders, plugins and empty space of menus.Integration with StartKiller
The new version of StartKiller can be configured to disable Start menu and open the first menu on True Launch Bar. So when you press WIN key or CTRL+ESC True Launch Bar will open Start menu replacement on True launch Bar.Changing default command
You can change the behavior of the button when you click it. By default TLB execute the default command from shell context menu. Now you can overwrite this action and run any command. When this feature can be useful?
- If you run some application under different account you should right-click button and select "Run As..." menu item. Now you can set "Run As..." as default command and use it without right-click
- For folders with your music you can set the default command into "Play in Winamp" and every time you press shortcut or double click the Virtual Folder all files will be loaded into Winamp
- You can run slide show for folder by one click
- You can do more...
Customizing buttons and menu items
Now you can customize separate toolbar buttons and menu items. Here the list of properties that can be changed:
- The text label can be bold or/and italic
- You can change the alignment of the text label for menus
- Every button and menu item can have own icon size
- And any button menu item can have own context menu
- and more other options...
To change the default command right-click button point Appearance submenu and click Button Properties menu item.
Improved Custom Colors
Now you can overwrite any element of skin with your custom colors. In addition we've added the gradients for toolbar background and menu selection color. You can use vertical or/and horizontal gradients. Also you can change the colors of separators, toolbar buttons, text colors etc.
Tear Off Menu
Using this feature you can create menus that never closed. You can place these menus at any position on the desktop, also you can change "Always On Top" attribute for the menu. To tear off the menu right-click opened menu and select "Tear Off Menu" menu item. Now you can move the menu at any position. Note, to move menu you must click and drag the menu caption. To chage the options torn off menu right-click it and select:
- Tear Off Menu - make the menu as normal
- Always on Top - make menu on top of all windows or not
- Close menu - to close menu
Please note when you make the menu torn off then the menu button becomes as normal button and it opens or activate the torn off menu. And as well as for normal menus you can use hotkeys to open the turn off menu.
Column break for separators
You can control the menu columns and begin the new column with the separators. Right-click the separator and select Appearance->Column Break to make new column. There are two restrictions for this feature: the menu must be in the default view mode (multicolumn text menu is not supported) and the scrolling of the menu will break the column layout (the layout become the default). You can view this feature in work on the video (at the left).
Combine the default menu items with Icon View menu items
You can to combine the default menu items with the icons only items already. With the new version of True Launch Bar it is possible to add the text labels to the icons (to make the Icon View style menu items). Play the video at the left to view how this works.
Menu labels Word Wrap
If you want to see the complete menu items names and if you hate the ellipsis, then this option is for you. You can turn on/off the word wrapping globally in TLB Settings or for single menus. If the word wrapping is turned on, TLB shows the label text wrapped into multiple lines.
Docked menus with auto-hide feature
With True Launch Bar you can dock the tear-off menus. Hold down the CTRL key and move menu to any edge of the screen to dock menu. To make the docked menu auto-hide, right-click in the menu and select "Auto-hide" option. To change the show/hide animation open TLB Settings->Menu->Docked. Also the Customize menu dialog box have some options to change the size and position of the hot spot.
Standalone TLB: Toolbar Tags
With the toolbar tags you can show the toolbar in auto-hide mode by clicking by tag. Tag is the colored area. You can create some toolbars attached to the same screen side and set the tags for them - something like the tabbed interface. The color, size and positions of the tags are customizable: right-click the empty space of toolbar, select "Toolbar Properties" then Auto-hide->Toolbar Tag.
Note: This feature works with Standalone True Launch Bar only.
Background color for any item.
You can select the background color for any item to highlight it. Right-click any item, select Appearance->Background Color, click any color or click the "More colors" menu item to select non default color. To set colors for some items at once, right-click any item and select Appearance->Button Properties. This will open the Button Properties dialog box where you can select the color for all items.Toolbars management.
We've simplified and improved the toolbar management. As you know, the toolbar folder it the main concept for True Launch Bar. TLB saves all settings, shortcuts, menu etc. in the toolbar folder. By default TLB uses the standard quick launch folder and this is enough for the single toolbar. When you need the second toolbar, you have to create folder for the new toolbar. Now True Launch Bar can create the toolbar folder in your profile. Just type a name of your toolbar. This working for portable versions as well. Anyway you can still select any custom folder as a toolbar folder.
Mail Monitor
Mail Monitor allows you to easily monitor all your POP3 mail boxes. When you have received new mail, Mail Monitor can inform you about this with visual effects and sound. Mail Monitor can also launch your Email Reader. Mail Monitor support an unlimited number of mailboxes. You can see your messages in the message list, and you can delete any messages from server without ever loading them. You can mark messages as read and Mail Monitor will not notify you about them again. Also Mail Monitor allows you to preview messages without any risk for you and your computer from malicious viruses. The message is loaded into a text box and no scripts are allowed to be executed. This helps you protect your computer from mail viruses. If you see some unknown letters you can easily delete it if you think it is not for you.
The great feature of Mail Monitor is filters. You can setup filters for messages to delete SPAM or unneeded emails. We have already created some rules to filter spam. But you can add your own rules. Filter rules are based on logic expressions. Don't worry - it is easy to create new rules!
All messages can be divided into 4 categories:
- Normal
- Approved - messages from your friends, colleagues etc.
- Spam - unneeded messages that can be deleted
- Dangerous - messages with viruses (for future use)
Filter rules can mark any message as one of these categories. Later on you can delete all spam messages at once after you sure that all filters works correctly.
The other use of filters is to change notify sound or disable notify for some messages. Now Mail Monitor can say whatever message you want!!
Multilingual support
Mail monitor is the ideal solution to read message in different languages. Mail Monitor supports UNICODE and you can read the subjects and messages in any language supported by your Windows.
Since version 1.6 Mail monitor now encrypts all the passwords to your mail boxes. In addition you can protect any password from larceny. When you turn on Protect password check box in the Account Properties dialog Mail monitor encrypts your password using your System/User information. So if somebody steals your toolbar files the password will stay protected. We recommend you protect all passwords if more then one person shares one computer.
Note: if you are using protected passwords Mail Monitor loses all passwords after reinstalling Windows or/and changing network settings. In this case just enter password again.
Notify Animations
In the properties dialog box you can select a specific animation to notify you about new messages. Mail Monitor support BMP and PNG file formats for animation. Animation pictures must contain one or more images. The frames in the animation should be vertically. For BMP format the color RED=255 GREEN=0 BLUE=255 is transparent. For PNG format use alpha channel inside file. Animation is drawn with ~20 FPS (frames per second).
Here is small sample animation in PNG format:
Regular Expressions
Mail Monitor can use regular expressions to filter messages. Here is syntax of regular expressions:
All characters are literals except: ".", "|", "*", "?", "+", "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", "^", "$" and "\". These characters are literals when preceded by a "\".
The dot character "." matches any single character
A repeat is an expression that is repeated an arbitrary number of times. An expression followed by "*" can be repeated any number of times including zero. An expression followed by "+" can be repeated any number of times, but at least once. An expression followed by "?" may be repeated zero or one times only. When it is necessary to specify the minimum and maximum number of repeats explicitly, the bounds operator "{}" may be used, thus "a{2}" is the letter "a" repeated exactly twice, "a{2,4}" represents the letter "a" repeated between 2 and 4 times, and "a{2,}" represents the letter "a" repeated at least twice with no upper limit. Note that there must be no white-space inside the {}, and there is no upper limit on the values of the lower and upper bounds. All repeat expressions refer to the shortest possible previous sub-expression: a single character; a character set, or a sub-expression grouped with "()" for example.
"ba*" will match all of "b", "ba", "baaa" etc.
"ba+" will match "ba" or "baaaa" for example but not "b".
"ba?" will match "b" or "ba".
"ba{2,4}" will match "baa", "baaa" and "baaaa".
Alternatives occur when the expression can match either one sub-expression or another, each alternative is separated by a "|". Each alternative is the largest possible previous sub-expression; this is the opposite behaviour from repetition operators.
"a(b|c)" could match "ab" or "ac".
"abc|def" could match "abc" or "def".
A set is a set of characters that can match any single character that is a member of the set. Sets are delimited by "[" and "]" and can contain literals, character ranges, character classes, collating elements and equivalence classes. Set declarations that start with "^" contain the compliment of the elements that follow.
Character literals:
"[abc]" will match either of "a", "b", or "c".
"[^abc] will match any character other than "a", "b", or "c".
Character ranges:
"[a-z]" will match any character in the range "a" to "z".
"[^A-Z]" will match any character other than those in the range "A" to "Z".
Note that character ranges are highly locale dependent: they match any character that collates between the endpoints of the range, ranges will only behave according to ASCII rules when the default "C" locale is in effect.
Character classes are denoted using the syntax "[:classname:]" within a set declaration, for example "" is the set of all whitespace characters. The available character classes are:
alnum Any alpha numeric character.
alpha Any alphabetical character a-z and A-Z. Other characters may also be included depending upon the locale.
blank Any blank character, either a space or a tab.
cntrl Any control character.
digit Any digit 0-9.
graph Any graphical character.
lower Any lower case character a-z. Other characters may also be included depending upon the locale.
print Any printable character.
punct Any punctuation character.
space Any whitespace character.
upper Any upper case character A-Z. Other characters may also be included depending upon the locale.
xdigit Any hexadecimal digit character, 0-9, a-f and A-F.
word Any word character - all alphanumeric characters plus the underscore.
unicode Any character whose code is greater than 255, this applies to the wide character traits classes only.
There are some shortcuts that can be used in place of the character classes:
\w in place of [:word:]
\s in place of [:space:]
\d in place of [:digit:]
\l in place of [:lower:]
\u in place of [:upper:]
Secure Connection (SSL)
Mail Monitor supports SSL protocol to connect to POP3 servers. All data transferred using through SSL connection are encrypted.
Advanced filtering
Mail Monitor can filter messages using rules and mark them as SPAM or as other category. Since version 1.9 Mail Monitor can save messages that satisfy to conditions and execute command. To save message check the "Save Message To Folder" checkbox and select path where to save messages. To run command check the "Run command" checkbox and write the command you want to execute. You can use %msgfile% to pass saved message as parameter to command. This feature allow you to build you own mail processing system. Mail Monitor will check messages and saves them for future processing of your program or scripts.
Weather Forecast
Weather Forecast plugin shows the current weather conditions and conditions for up 10 days. It is very easy to select the city for weather and easy to configure. Plugin supports skins.
Please note, you have to authorize True Launch Bar application with your Yahoo account to use the Weather Forecast plugin. In the properties, press "Authorize..." button, allow True Launch Bar to access your profile and copy/paste the access code from Yahoo to Weather Forecast properties.
News Reader
News Reader is the simple RSS Aggregator for True Launch Bar. This plugin show topics from news feeds as menus. You can add any number of channels. Supported formats: RSS, RDF, Atom.
You can mark one topic as read if click the topic icon. To mark as read all topics click the channel icon. To open link in background hold down the CTRL keyboard key. This works with interactive tips also.
Address Book
About Address Book
Address Book plugin show your contacts as menu. You can create new contact using hotkey, group contacts in sub menus and change the appearance of records. Plugin uses HTML as template for records in the menu.
Currently Address Book supports importing from VCF (VCard) files.
You can use almost all basic HTML tags. To add fields into use {fieldname}.
Here is the list of supported fields:
Field Name
Home Address Fields
home_address | First line of address |
home_address2 | Second line of address |
home_city | City |
home_zip | ZIP or Postal code |
home_state | State |
home_country | Country |
Home Address Fields
work_address | First line of address |
work_address2 | Second line of address |
work_city | City |
work_zip | ZIP or Postal code |
work_state | State |
work_country | Country |
work_title | Job title |
work_department | Department |
work_organization | Organization |
firstname | First name |
lastname | Last name |
displayname | Display name |
nickname | Nick name |
phone1 - phone7 | Phones numbers |
phonetype1 - phonetype7 | Type of phone. This value can be used only with label modifier |
Other fields
notes | Notes about record. Any text. Depend of template can support HTML tags |
category | The category of the record |
url | Home page |
im | IM address |
To add a label of field you can add modifier of filed named label:
To add phone type text use {label:phonetype#}. Address book supports PNG images. To add image write {img:imageID}. Where imageID can be one of these values:
- phone
- fax
- mobile
- workphone
- homephone
- icon
- note
- url
These are default images. If you want to add own images, copy them into sub folder images under Address Book installation folder and write {img:filename.png} in template. Also you can write {img:phonetype#} to add valid icon for phone.
Media Control
This plugin allow you to take control on your player. You can Play, Stop, Pause current track (file), Change Track and select files to play. Also this plugin can show the track information (time, song title, etc.). Time can be toggled to time remaining and time elapsed, to toggle click on time. Media Control support skins.
Supported players
To control the palyers you have to download and install the player support files:
AIMP3 Download
Foobar 2000 Download
iTunes built-in
J.River Media Center / Jukebox Download
jetAudio built-in
MediaMonkey Download
Winamp Download
Winamp compatible players
Some players supports the plugins from Winamp. You can control these players with our winamp plugin. Download it and install into your player (usually copy into the Plugins subfolder of the player installation folder). The use the "Universal Player" in the Media Control plugin properties.
Custom title format
You can change the title format In the properties. The syntax is quite easy. Here is small example:
{?tracknum}{tracknum}. {?}{trackname}{?album} - {album}{?}{?year} [{year}]{?}{?artist} - {artist}{?}
This string generate the title like this:
4. The Unforgiven II - Reload [1997] - Metallica
There are two types of tags:
- The text tag - the song tag name in the braces: {trackname}
- The conditional tags - the song tag name in the braces with the question mark before name: {?album} The conditionsl tag must be closed by {?} tag. The text between conditional tags will be inserted into the title if the song tag is on empty only.
Default supported tag names:
- title
- album
- artist
- trackname
- tracktime
- genre
- year
- tracknum
How to control your player
Open the Properties dialog box for Media Control plugin and select the your player in the players list. For most players you need to select the Universal Player. If the support for your player is installed then Media Control will allow you to control it. The player support files is the add-ins for selected player. If Media Control don't see your player even after installing right support files, check your player option. Maybe you must to enable the "TLB Remote Control" plugin/add-in in the player's options.
Also you can select the path to the palyer. So Media Control will run the selected files when you press the Play button.
System Monitor
System Monitor allow you to get the system resource state in real-time. System Monitor supports skins. So you can create your own skins.
Since the version 4.0 the System Monitor plugin supports the new skins format. Also System Monitor can read the information from CoreTemp, GPU-Z and Open Hardware Monitor applications to show the CPU temperature and graphics adapter parameters (temperature, fan speed etc.).

Add or Remove Programs 1.1
Address Book 4.1
Batch Run 2.0
Battery Monitor
Calculator 3.1
Calendar 2.0
CD Control 4.0
Clipboard Manager 5.2
Color Picker 2.1
Command Line 5.2
Core Temp 1.1
Delicious Menu 0.1
Device Manager 1.0
Display Mode 1.1
Drive Space 5.2
Key State 2.0
Mail Monitor 4.1
Make Screenshot 3.1
Media Control 6.2
Moon Monitor 2.1
Net Monitor 4.0
News Reader 4.9
Port Monitor 1.0
Process Viewer 3.1
Real IP 3.0
Select Color Tool 1.0
Slide Show 2.1
Spacer 3.1
Startup Manager 1.1
System Monitor 4.3
Timer 1.0
TLB Clock 1.7
ToDo List 4.0
Turn Off Computer 3.2
UpTime 3.0
Virtual Desktop 2.0
Voice Notes 2.0
Volume Control 5.1
Weather Forecast 6.5
Web Scraper 2.0
Windows List 2.2
Windows Messenger 2.0
Wireless Monitor