ALPHABETICAL SEARCH BY CATEGORYThe links are sorted alphabetically
Source code | Full source code is available. FastReport.Net can be customized to suit your needs | 30 Clicks |
Source data grid | Improvements to source data grid | 31 Clicks |
Spatial data filter | GIS integrated into BI changes everything. You can store spatial data and business data in the same OLAP cube, then filter your maps and figures together and watch how maps and numbers change | 27 Clicks |
Spatial data stored | IS integrated into BI changes everything. You can store spatial data and business data in the same OLAP cube, then filter your maps and figures together and watch how maps and numbers change | 27 Clicks |
Specify list by range | Specify list by range When you need more control over which cell-range contains your list data, specify it by range, using the range address or the name of a named range. | 32 Clicks |
Specify list by sheet | Specify list by sheet This is the quickest and easiest way to tell Isolist which cell-range in your workbook contains a list to be reconciled. Simply select a worksheet and Isolist will search for the precise range containing your list data. | 33 Clicks |
Split date | Split date and time fields into their component parts (day, month, minute, …). The parts required can be specified before the data load. Moreover, parts can be added or removed even after the data load | 31 Clicks |
Spreadsheet Convenience | Convenience Spreadsheet Convenience Excel is the common denominator of all data systems so as an Excel add-in, Isolist makes perfect sense. | 31 Clicks |
Spreadsheet-like user interface | Contour Reporter has a simple and friendly spreadsheet-like user interface. When working with reports, users can independently and in real-time obtain dozens of report variations with sub-second response times. Users can print and save reports in various formats: Microcube, MS Excel, MS Word, HTML, and email them to colleagues. Authors can easily publish their reports in Contour BI Portal for web | 26 Clicks |
SPSS data publishing and analysis | Contour BI modernizes statistics by making them more attractive and interactive. It speeds up the creation of solutions, at the same time making them more affordable, and all requiring minimal effort on the part of the use | 27 Clicks |
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